Tuesday, January 23, 2007

LG FM37, The New TouchScreen MP3 Player

Yeah, with all those touchscreen things coming out now maybe we should expect all our tech gagdets things will operates by using touching. This morning, LG announced their new product and it's LG FM37 the 10.44 mm touchscreen digital media player. Features either 2 or 4 GB storage with MP3/WMA/OGG playback support and you can access your favorite songs to movies with a single touch on this 2.4-inch TFT LCD display. LG also announced the price for FM37 2GB for(US$266) and 4Gb for(US$320)

LG also announced other new products, FM33 follow with FM35 DMB and MP3 player that was plan to released on May. It comes with 1GB(US$159)/2GB(US$192)/4Gb(US$256) and features a 1.77-inch TFT LCD and touchscreen technology as well.


For this 2007 year, we will be expecting more new touchscreen tech gadgets coming soon. However, i prefer the girls in the photo above and below rather than the touchscreen mp3 player.

Via: Engadget