You used your credit card for shopping and spent on any things that you like, because of its size that is small and easy to use. Now how about a “credit card sized” portable media player, Oppo, the infamous DVD player company is hitting the market with Oppo V5. V5 features a 16:9 widescreen with 3 inch touch screen LCD with the navigation panel placed on the top of this portable media player.
The question is how about the quality; the design is pretty average and the idea as well however we still haven’t been informed about the battery life, availability and the price of this cool boy. V5 should be able to support all playable media files such as mp3 and mpeg4 files, but we will keep an eye on this product to see if any changes come and we will update it straight away.
The question is how about the quality; the design is pretty average and the idea as well however we still haven’t been informed about the battery life, availability and the price of this cool boy. V5 should be able to support all playable media files such as mp3 and mpeg4 files, but we will keep an eye on this product to see if any changes come and we will update it straight away.
Via: themp3players
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